never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
No the WT Borg is not closing! That's Wild Dreaming!
by DwainBowman inno the wt borg is not closing!
that's wild dreaming!
they have been changing directions for a while now, and for whatever reasons, what is happening now is a part of that change!
never a jw
Partially right. The WT is adjusting to reduce expenses, as any smart company would do. They also have billions in assets, liquid and real estate. The battle they are losing is their public relationships, their image, their cash flow. So they may still have a long life, but it's obvious that the decline is right in front of them. Also, don't forget that people in the U.S. are leaving religion in large numbers and the WT is not immune to this phenomenon. Your overall assessment is wrong. We are at the beginning of the last days. The last days may last centuries, but this is a watershed in the history of religion. The printing press may have spread the Bible teachings worldwide several centuries ago, but it's the internet that will put it in its proper place, the bin of ancient literature, with no relevance today as a moral guide or divine revelation. -
I'm a coward.
by cappytan insince the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
never a jw
Not a coward. You care for your mother... maybe more than she cares for you. Her first priority seems to be the org. So feel proud of yourself for being caring. -
OMG JW Sea Org
by sherrie11 ini found this picture and i just can't believe it?
never a jw
C'mon. Ralph's supermarket employees use the same shirt, the security guards of many companies use the same uniform, the personnel in many museum uses a uniform, etc. There's plenty of NON-CULTS who required their personnel to dress in a certain way for some reasonable , even practical purpose. -
I hope the letter about deleting the Theocratic school is true.
by John Aquila inyesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
never a jw
Spanish speakers are definitely more staunch when it come to religion. I think at the core of the issue is the average level of education of the Hispanic JW compared to the education of the English speaker. Another big factor, and possible emanates from the previous statement, is that the apostate literature, good websites about TTATT, and biblical scholarship is far more prevalent in English than it is in Spanish.
I can make a bet that within 10 years Hispanics are going to be a majority in JW land. If they are already, their proportion will increase even more, resulting mostly from English speakers defections, more than from Hispanic additions.
My Mom Is Dying
by minimus ini just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
never a jw
Sorry for your imminent loss. She lives in you, and knowing what I know about you, she must have been a great woman too. -
Facebook post by a JW on Pope & President & May 2012 WT
by rosyray inlong time no post.
couldn't help myself when i saw this in my facebook feed.. .
the caption that followed:.
never a jw
Pathetic! -
Bible popularity??
by Diogenesister inmore ikea catalogues were printed last year than bibles.. ikea is a swedish flatpack furniture store..
never a jw
Happy to hear. The Bible has held a privileged place that it does not deserve for too long. Things are changing for the better though. I happen to be reading a book "The End of Biblical Studies" by a biblical scholar, Hector Avalos, who thinks it is time to get a bunch of scholars, himself included, and ministers out of their jobs and put them to do something more productive.
Removed from JW.ORG: Warwick Photo Gallery 3 (January Through April 2015)
by wifibandit inthe warwick gallery #1 and gallery #2 are still up.. i have #3 backed up:
also pulled: .
wallkill photo gallery 2.
never a jw
Under one of the photo's is a comment that states females make up 35% of the workers. Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers.
You better elaborate on this comment. As it is, sounds quite offensive to women. Work hard to get yourself of this faux pas
JW's won't like this but the Guardian says, "Now for the good news: things really are getting better"
by AndersonsInfo in
now for the good news: things really are getting better .
friday 11 september 2015 04.00 edt .
never a jw
Are you going to believe the Bible or the Facts?
Hands down I believe the Bible more. It was the Bible that predicted the invisible parousia of Jesus in 1914. You don't believe it because in that year you were not of the anointed, those who saw the signs.
My Opinions on whats going on in WT land - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul infirst off, i'd like to state that i currently have "privileges" in the congregation and volunteer at bethel on and off throughout the year.
that's as much information as i will currently give about myself.. starting off, i think something big is coming in the form of lawsuits and bad pr.
they seem to be batting down the hatches in preparation for something the last few years and even more so the last few months.
never a jw
That is exactly what he said, 3 congregations per building.
What's the significance of that?
My wife has been attending a small kingdom hall for 20 years that accommodates at least four congregations. It's at full capacity; there's no way to squeeze any more congregations unless you reduce meetings days to just one per week. I don't think the number of congregations per hall solves anything. It's the size of the congregations that will help their financial problem. Out of two halls, they may sell one and keep the other, but build it bigger to fit larger congregations.